This therapy capitalizes on burning of extra calories while seated. In addition to the loss of extra weight associated with the seat, it gives the occupant several other health benefits. Among these is the guarantee of a straight gait.
Sitting for long hours is a health risk which leads to numerous ailments. As much as we may want to avoid it, the office environment does not provide an alternative but to plunge into the necessary evil. When seated still in the office chair, the body’s metabolism is slowed since very little energy is required to sustain the body activities. In addition, people tend to slouch forward especially when typing. The result is detrimental, as this strains the back leading to a stooped gait in the long run.
The good news is that this new therapeutic seat addresses these problems effectively. With a ball located in the sitting area of the chair, balancing is required in order to maintain a sitting position. Only one sitting position can provide the needed balancing, the upright posture. A slight forward or backward lean loses the balance forcing the occupant to assume the initial upright position. The small movement adjustments help to burn body calories, strengthen the body muscles and most importantly, maintain a straight gait.
Most back pains result from a poor sitting posture and they often force people to be absent from work for days. If you are among those suffering from the ailment, it is time you tried the yoga ball chair. Also consider prevention of assuming a stooped gait by replacing your traditional office chair with this new chair. It will not only save you the cost of seeing a chiropractor but also make you stronger and healthier.