
Shamanism is Not a Religion

Health Problems

shaman-tantraPredating all arranged religious beliefs, shamanism is, unto itself, not a religion.Visit . Since shamans follow a belief that there is a direct connection between healing and the spiritual world it easy to relate shamanism as a religious beliefs.

Shaman and shamanka (the lady equivalent) serve as an intermediary in between the natural world and the spiritual world. Despite some claims shamanism is not a cult.

Undoubtedly, some have connected themselves in a cult-like fashion to a few of the basic shamanistic practices. It appears the interest right here is using hallucinogenic drugs. It’s uncertain if their use really brings about an understanding of reality or the use of their energy to recover somebody.

medicine-wheelA shaman communes with the spiritual world for numerous reasons. Among these, the primary one, is to heal a sick soul. Others consist of the reading of the future, requesting for success in certain endeavors, or to work as psychopomp.

Whatever it is that is to be achieved, the shaman gets in touch with the axis mundi to create an unique relationship with the Spirits and in some circumstances, in fact gaining control over them. In spite of rumors and misconception, generally speaking, a specialist of shamanism is not involved in causing damage or ‘evil’ to someone.

Shamanism is not a specific set of beliefs that are inculcated in an organized uniform system throughout the world. This does not imply there are not similarities. The primary resemblance being a recognition of a spiritual world and the existence of spirits. Particular ceremonies, chants, and training are not held on a universal aircraft.

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